

Color (Kleinmeubelen)
Color (Windlichten)
Color (Vazen)
Color (Objecten)
Color Theme
Combinatie (Windlichten)
Combinatie (Objecten)
Combinatie (Vazen)
Range (Windlichten)
Range (Vazen)
Range (Woontextiel)
Range (Objecten)
Shape (Kleinmeubelen)
Shape (Woontextiel)
Size (Woontextiel)
Size (Vazen)
Size (Windlichten)
Size (Objecten)
Size (Kleinmeubelen)

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    Home accessories make an interior unique. Combining the warm tones of metallic brown shades with topaz glass is a perfect choice to give the room its own character. The rich tones of metallic brown therefore go well with the warm deep character of topaz glass. By repeating these colours in the various home accessories, you not only create unity but also a sense of cohesion in the room.

    The power also lies in the use of different heights of the stands, which creates a playful and spatial effect. The items we selected can be found below.

    12 Items